10th Grade World History with Coach Hays
WWI part 2 notes
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Ind Rev. Notes Part 1

Europe Plunged Into War


***June 28, 1914*** Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assassinated by Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip.  Spark that started WWI.


Austria-Hungary Makes the First Move

--AH sent Serbia a deliberately harsh ultimatum that if not met would end negotiations and lead to war.  Had 48 hours to respond.

1.      Serbia was to stop all anti-Austrian activity.

2.     Serbia gov’t would have to allow Austrian officials in to investigate the murder.


--Serbian leaders sought to meet Austria’s demands.  Regardless, AH wanted to punish Serbia.  Serbia must learn to fear us again.”

--July 28, 1914—Austria declared war on Serbia with Germany’s support.  Kaiser doesn’t want to get involved unless other powers (i.e. France and Russia) side with Serbia.


Russia Mobilizes Quickly

--Russia supports Serbia.  Slavic brothers and sisters.

--Russia needs many weeks to moilize—to get army into position for war.  Had few rr in Russia and a very large army.

--Russia moves its army towards the Russian Austrian border.  Expecting Germany to join AH they mobilize along the German border also.

--CZAR tells the kaiser it’s only a precaution.  Germany sees this as a declaration of war.  AUG. 1, Germany declares war on Russia.  2 days later, Germany declares war on France.




The Great Powers Took Sides

Germany faces a two-front war—France on the west and Russia on the east.

Schlieffen Plan—lightening quick attack against France, then go over to Russia before their large army is able to mobilize.

--Speed was vital.  Germany wanted to get to France by going through Belgium.  Belgium neutral so they refused.  Germany ignored the refusal, and went through Belgium anyway.  Great Britain declares war on Germany


MID August 1914

CENTRAL POWERS—Austria Hungary, Germany, Turkey, Bulgaria

Allied PowersGreat Britain, France, Russia, and Italy

The German Army Invaded France

--1.5 million Germans met about same # of French and British soldiers.  Battle line known as Western Front.

--Germans pushed back French forces.  Sept. 2, French were pushed back to the outskirts of Paris.  Germany on the brink of victory.

--Problems arise for Germany.  Russia is mobilizing very quickly.  German high command sent thousands of soldiers east.  Weakened the German forces in France.


Allies Strike Back

--9/6/14—Allies attacked the Germans at the Marne River.  German advance stopped dead.  9/12/14 German generals give orders to retreat.

--Schiefflen Plan is in ruins.  Quick victory no longer possible.  Long war on two fronts for Germany.

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