Woodrow Wilson’s Peace Plans
14 Points--pg.
people to decide for themselves under what gov’t they wished to live.
Called for an
association of nationsÞLeague of Nations
Both sides accepted
Wilson’s proposal as basis for peace negotiations
Conflicting Demands Dominated the Conference in Paris
Groups once part
of AH and Ottoman Empire wanted their own nations.
Many groups claimed same lands.
At 1st,
GB and France only want peace. Now they want Germany to suffer.
Italy wanted its reward for joining the Allied powers.
Russia involved in civil war. Not invited
to conference.
Allies Dictated Peace Treaties
June 28, 1919—Treaty
of Versailles
BIG THREE—dominated
the conference
Georges Clemenceau--France
Lloyd George—Britain
Woodrow Wilson—US
Defeated countries
had no say so. Had to accept terms.
**Territorial Losses**
Germany lost 13% of land—France, Poland,
Belgium, and Denmark
all received territory. France
wins back land lost in Franco-Prussian War.
Poland becomes own nation.
Germany loses all territories in Africa and Pacific.
**Military Resistance**
Size of Germany Army limited.
Could not manufacture war material.
Subs and planes
were banned.
**War Guilt**
Article 231 “war-guilt” clause—placed sole blame
for WWI on Germany.
Had to pay severe
reparations to the Allies—money to compensate for the $$ of war.
Germany had to pay 31 billion dollars over 30 years
**The League of Nations**
League of Nations created. US, Japan,
Britain, France, Italy—permanent
members of Executive Council—Germany
deliberately left out.
Russia in middle of revolution—also left out
Create New Nations
Ottomans lost
all land but Turkey
###Break up of Austria-Hungary###
¥ Austria
¥ Hungary
¥ Poland
¥ Czechoslovakia
¥ Yugoslavia
###Russian Losses###
--Allies feared the revolutionary gov’t. Wanted to protect countries
surrounding Russia. Gave them land.
--Finland, Estonia,
Latvia, and Lithuania
all declare independence from Russia 1918.
US Rejects Treaty
--US votes to refuse to join the League of Nations or accept the Treaty of Versailles.
--Treaty of Versailles did little to build lasting
peace. Left a legacy of bitterness and hatred in the Germans
--Leads to WWII