Dear Parents,
I am very excited about beginning a new school year
with your students. This is a big year for your students because they will be taking the Gateway test in the spring. I
feel that it is important for you to be aware of this test because your child must pass this test to graduate. For more
information about this test, you can check out the Gwinnett County Web site at the following link.
Gwinnett County Public Schools
We will be moving pretty quickly early on covering four chapters in four weeks.
Week 1--Prehistory
Week 2--Fertile Crescent
Week 3--Ancient Eypt
Week 4--Ancient India and China
Please make sure you and your child have read over my syllabus which is included
on this site.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call or
email me.
Chris Hays
Parent Questions
"What is the best way for my child to prepare for the Gateway?"
Susan Garcia
Mrs. Garcia,
Your student will be given a very thick Gateway review packet next semester. Hopefully, your student will
be able to study a page or two each night. Until then, all she can do is pay very close attention in class and study
her notes each night. Probably more important than anything is the ability to write a good essay, which we will
be working on throughout the year. Remind your student about using the documents provided. The documents provided
on this test should give your child a good idea of what to write about. Their best shot is to read the documents,
analyze the documents, and include them in their essay as often as possible.
If you have any other questions, please contact me.
Chris Hays