What's Happening in Your
Part of the World?
One very important aspect of Social Studies is studying and learning about current events. The following link will
give you the opportunity to search for newspaper articles written in English dealing with stories across the globe.
Everyone should be able to find something about their homeland. This will improve your English skills as well as keep
you informed about what's going on around the world.
Newspapers From Around the World
Comedy Corner
Everyone loves a good joke. Check out this link to a ton of hilarious jokes which are not only funny, but will
help you learn the English language.
Englishclub.com Jokes
What did he just say?
There are hundreds of slang words in the English language. For people who are learning to speak English, this can
be very troubling. Check out this link to help you conquer the slang words of the English language.
Slang Words of the English Language
Translation Sites
Are you trying to find the Serbo-Croation word for teacher? Maybe you want the English translation of agua.
Check out these sites which will help you translate words from one language to another.
Serbo Croation/English Dictionary
English German French Italian Turkish Spanish ... Dictionary
Parent Resources
Parents who do not speak English, but have Internet access, should check out this link in order to help your student
with research projects.
Reference Materials en Espanol
Here is another great site for parents which has a ton of great links to other sites. This one is full of valuable